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My name is π. I have over 20 years experience tutoring math. I have helped dozens of theater kids, musicians, future scientists and artists progress towards bright futures. I am currently working on earning a Master’s in mathematics, and I’m well on my way to becoming a math professor.

About my teaching

Whether we are working on Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus or Statistics, my goal as a tutor is to connect with creative students on a deeper level so they can appreciate the math they are learning and get more out of their education. I have participated in the arts for many years, (acting, music, dance, and fire spinning) I am able to illustrate and clarify mathematical material in a way the artsy and creative types have never experienced.

….plus I’m, like, suuuper funny…

Rating: 5 out of 5.

After all the algebra, calculus, geometry, trigonometry, statistics, you name it, I got into Johns Hopkins Carey Business School for my Masters in Finance.

Pi is the definition of what an efficient math tutor is.

Robert H., Yelp!

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Two things to know about Pi: First, he’s a math genius.  Most of the problems I struggle through he’s able to look at and solve in his head.  Second: he’s personable and friendly and is able to take complex problems and explain them in very simple terms that make understanding and solving complete math problems very easy.

— Todd K., Yelp!